Guide for Authors

INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS – Template downloadPapers_Author_Guidelines (.doc)

Articles are expected on address noesis[at]

Style and guide for authors

  • Noesis is a periodic publication, issued in foreign languages by the Romanian Committee for History and Philosophy of Science and Technique (CRIFST) and it is meant for the publishing of studies regarding “History and Philosophy of Science and Technique” or of scientific papers presented at CRIFST scientific sessions by the territorial Branches and Subsidiaries, and also of other articles issued by CRIFST members and others.
  • The issuing of papers must take into account the clarification of technical terms. In case technical details cannot be avoided, they are to be disclosed within the annexes, thus making the text accessible to readers that are not specialized in that very field. Disclosing various formalizations is accepted, but they are to be also exposed within the annexes. Nevertheless, in case that the formalization is extremely important, it can be disclosed within the text, but one should add clear interpretations and examples.

The topics of papers and studies must be according to the objectives established by the Regulations of CRIFST but other topics will be considered at the extent of the importance of the articles content for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technique.

Editing requirements

  • The papers are accepted in English or French, in MS Word ’97 or more recent, Standard A4 (Top 2 cm, bottom 2 cm, left 3 cm, right 3 cm, gutter 0 cm, header 0.8 cm, footer 0.8 cm) font Times New Roman 12, Justify, line space: Single.
  • A maximum of 150 words abstract in English should be added at the beginning: font Times New Roman 10.
  • Number of pages must not exceed 12-14. Exceptionally papers of 18-20 pages are accepted (including annexes and bibliography).

Each paper will be submitted as pdf and doc.



  • First name and last name of author(s) are to be written under the title, Times New Roman, 12, bold;
  • University and scientific degrees are to be written in Times New Roman, 10, italics and must include a foot note referring to the scientific institution the author(s) is/are working for.
  • For acronyms one does not use points; for instance: MP, USA

FOOTNOTES should be consecutively numbered and they should be used just for complex notes.

Do not use Endnotes!

  • The references are to be made within the text, between brackets, and must contain the author name and the year of the publication. Ex.: (Sen 2006, 65)
  • References: at the end of the paper, Times New Roman, 12, justify

References are not accepted if they are not mentioned within the text of the paper.

  • The order of references should be alphabetical according to author names (first author name) and in case that more than one paper of the same author is used, one should consider the year of publication.
  • Each line of references should mention: last name, first name of author(s), title, pages, publishing house, place of publishing, publishing year, pages.


  • Books:  Rawls, John. Political Liberalism. New York: Columbia University Press, 2006.
  • Chapters: Bilsborrow, Richard E. “Concepts, Definitions and Data Collection Approaches”. In International Handbook of Migration and Population Distribution, edited by Michael J. White, 109-126. New York, London: Springer, 2016.
  • Journal article: Akkerman, Sanne F. and Bakker, Arthur. “Boundary Crossing and Boundary Objects.”, Review of Educational Research 81 (2011): 132-169. 

Images are accepted as JPG.

PEER REVIEW – Evaluation criteria, Scores (1 to 5)

1. Title’s appropriateness to the content of the article 
2. Structure, content of summary and keywords
3. Structure, organization and development of the article
4. Interest of the theme and originality in its treatment
5. Relevance of the bibliographical references
6. Interpretative accuracy of literature cited
7. Appropriateness of the methodology to the nature of the theme
8. Contribution to knowledge development in the field
9. Formal aspects: quality of writing, clarity and argumentative rigor

Final Assessment

  • Publishable – if the score is over 40 points
  • Publishable with the identified corrections and improvements, if the score is between 25-40 points
  • Non-publishable – if the score is less than 25 points