NOESIS JOURNAL (since 1972)
Romanian Academy Publishing House – ISSN 1223-4249
- Scientific Journal of Romanian Committee for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
- Travaux du Comité Roumain d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Science et Technique
NOESIS Journal is a periodic publication, which contains studies on history and philosophy of science and technology. The journal was founded by acad. ATHANASIE JOJA in 1972 and issued by the Romanian Committee for History and Philosophy of Science and Technique (CRIFST). Starting with 2021, NOESIS appears in a new edition.
The research areas. The research areas that the journal promotes are specific IUHPST (International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology), Union structured in two divisions: DHST (Division of History of Science and Technology) and DLMPST (Division of Logic, Methodology and
Philosophy of Science and Technology).
Objectives. The general objective of the publication is to promote valuable Romanian research in the fields of History and Philosophy Science and Technology at national and international level by publishing studies and scientific articles, reviews, articles to promote scientific activities.
Publication structure: The Journal will be published in English and French. The type of articles will be: studies, scientific articles, reviews and promotional articles. The Journal may publish thematic supplements.
Thematic Sections. The main sections of the journal are:
- Logic and Philosophy of Science
- History of Science
- History of Technology
- Scientific Events
INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS – Template download – Papers_Author_Guidelines (.doc)
Please, send the articles to the address noesis[at]crifst.ro
Last update: 03.2022